British-Polish Military Agreement

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British-Polish Military Agreement

Unread post by greendragon »

It seems that history makes same loops and everything is repeated.
the so called West in past and present has not been too quick and quite rightly and reasonably was trying to solve tensions by using diplomatic measures and talks.
In spring 1939 an initial agreement of bilateral aid against undisclosed state was signed between the UK and Poland.
It got final form of mutual military support agreement signed on the 25th AUG 1939 two days after infamous devilish German-Soviet Pact had been signed.
The purpose was to deter Nazi Germany from launching an attack on Poland - but it id not work, as we know.
Though the UK and France went to war on the 03SEP 1939 it still did not stopped Hitler.

In couple of weeks Poland was finished - from West by the Germans and from 17th SEP by the Soviets which invaded Eastern Poland.
Today common attitude to the events is that the West did not helped Poland.
I have watched and read quite a lot history materials and this is the prevailing pinion - it is also very common among the folks.
Regardless of education it is common opinion that the UK and France did not help Poland in 1939.
The time factor is not considered at all.
How could both the countries bring to front line in far away Poland their armies in two weeks?
Before the Desert Storm countries (distance huge but deployment capabilities also being outstanding) the Coalition needed close to one year for deployment - and absolutely important training - of the troops.
Both were not prepared for war, France in particular also from morale part - could be understood because just 20 years ago they had lost millions of their men in the Great War.
Even the most respected PL historians are total ignorants (they sort of thinking that military operation is like bus tour to a country) of how military have been working for ages throw the same point like "Poland was left alone".
France supported by BEF had 8 months to build a strength against Germany and failed to stop the Nazis i May 1940.

Only once I have heard a historian who stressed facts that it was absolutely impossible in 1939 - and the German campaign was rapid , with the Soviet's "help" to them Poland was finished (though some military resistance was still existing till 3 OCT) about 17 SEP 1939.
Today one can see repetition of the past - there have been attempts to stop or deter Putin/Russia from invading Ukraine and for long time when war started on the 23rd FEB many diplomatic attempts were made to stop the Soviets.
All in vain but opposite to events from 1939 there have been a lot of time.
The British-Polish Naval part of the Agreement had one important rightly foreseen aspect: that part of the PL NAVY would be evacuated to the UK to carry out operations under HM operational and tactical control.
But this is another story.


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