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Scapa Flow Museum ~ The Orkney Islands

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 12:32 pm
by Pelican
Scapa Flow Museum set to open its doors

“The stories we tell here today, whilst locally important, are also of national and international significance.”

Jude Callister, Visitor Services Officer with Orkney Islands Council, is standing in the centre of the iconic old pumphouse at Lyness.

The atmospheric building, home of the Scapa Flow Museum, has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last three years and now, ahead of its official opening on 2 July, is full of more than 250 fascinating objects and artefacts showcasing Scapa Flow’s history as the home of the Royal Navy during two global conflicts.

Originally built before the start of the Second World War to transfer oil to and from storage tanks - including a vast subterranean network safely concealed from enemy bombardment in the nearby hillside - and back out to ships at harbour, the pumphouse became a museum in the 1980s before closing its doors in 2017.

Continues, including video and many photos, at -