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Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:16 am


Unread post by greendragon »

Searching for some other subject I have found these good photographs of two beautiful ships damaged in a friendly collision.
HMS Musketeer (apparently the sinner: HMS Charibdis or Scylla behind)) and the Polish ORP Blyskawica.
Note lack of one set of the DC racks+the fumator apparently taken away in the collision or jettisoned by the crew after the incident.

I have had a quick look on the ship histories and found that collisions were sort of of rule rather of exception. Also groundings - this was apparently seen as another rule for one of the HM admirals said to a destroyer captain who grounded his ship off Normandy in 1944: "None can be a good captain without grounding his ship!".
One more incident in my memory is HMS Ashanti and ORP Piorun while being in action against the Kriegsmarine minesweeper flotilla off Jersey 13/14 JUN 1944 when both the destroyers had a really close shave of couple of yards.


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