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Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:53 pm
by Pelican

"Yesterday I was given the opportunity of exhibiting my model of HMS Queen Elizabeth in Portsmouth Royal Naval Dockyard at her homecoming reception. I then had the privilege of taking the model aboard, where I was given a guided tour of her. An amazing experience, and a privilege to have had been given this opportunity and of being part of this historical event of seeing Britains two aircraft carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales come together for the first time in their home port. I must also take this opportunity of thanking Joe Robinson, David MacAskill and Jo Laird for making this day so memorable.
Ken O'Brien"

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:19 pm
by ivorthediver
Well done you , were not at all jealous :mrgreen: :(

Nice to see our sector recognised , well done

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 7:06 pm
by ivorthediver
Heres one for the Grey funnel fleet boys.......taken today at Deans Marines open day

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 7:35 pm
by ivorthediver
I had occasion to visit Ron Deans premises today near Peterborough to purchase some materials and have a nose about ,and as always had a very good time with this classic model maker and his charm , and if you ever visit him and come away having purchased nothing ...your a better man than me Gunga Din !

So having escaped without gaining a second mortgage to pay off my card , I am getting ready to rebuild the bridge of my Tug , hopefully to a better standard than previously :oops:

So I now have a winter project to keep me busy

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:36 pm
by Pelican

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:18 pm
by ivorthediver
Good for him , and what patience to spend slots each year and then put it aside .
Only slightly longer than my Tug but infinitely more detailed I wager would love to see it up close thou :)

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:06 am
by DaveH
So I am catching the Victory man . I have been building Dean Marine HMS Britannia for 23 years now , getting there slowly , it is a race between Sight and Completion .

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:27 pm
by ivorthediver
Well as someone who enjoys building much more than sailing , I admire their level of self control .....nah .....self denial :o

Perhaps this breed of modeller has sufficient to do in their life that the urge to create from " ones mind " or "scratch build " a vision of the perception of something they wish to create with their own two hands is stronger , rather than assemble someone else's creation ... is less apparent ..........just one modellers take on life ........not necessarily a correct one I hasten to add :oops:

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:55 pm
by ivorthediver
DaveH wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:06 am So I am catching the Victory man . I have been building Dean Marine HMS Britannia for 23 years now , getting there slowly , it is a race between Sight and Completion .
You can do it mate , dont stop persevering you have the skills now its a battle of wills and you can do that I'm confident :)

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 3:57 pm
by ivorthediver
Well after losing the battle on the last model[ in keeping her watertight---- a bit like the sunken Norwegian Frigate that picked a fight with the tanker 18 month's ago ]

Still I made a start on a timber hull this week and found it very hard going [ due to increased pain in my wrists much like my spine ] but the morphine does not seem to be doing much to reduce the discomfort currently so perhaps I may have reached the point of " No Can Do " but for the moment I shall persevere .

Not sure what it will be yet as its appearance is unique with a bulbous bow , a rounded mid section and a rear flight deck but we will see how it turns out .......probably a cross mongrel ..Patrol / Mine Clearance /as she is not long enough to fit the Frigate stance .....we will see how she takes shape [ opps sorry for that :oops: ].

Have stripped any useful bits out of the last model '' waist not want not '' as dear old Chalky would say and have all the hardware , just need a hull :roll:

Will try and show you the skeletal form when it looks unlike a Childs effort at modelling , But she is cut out of softwood formers , a hardwood keel and will be ply sheeted [ if I get that far] :?