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Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:35 pm
by ivorthediver
and finally the vestibule

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:42 pm
by ivorthediver
And finally as we leave these memorials so sad and such a waste of life of brave men

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:49 pm
by ivorthediver
Right who can guess where were off to next then .....come on try harder.........on reflection I could have done with some of " Tims Tipple " to help me get there

I'll give you a athletic nerd said " Its only about 15 mins walk " .....what he forgot to add was it was up a 60 degree incline :shock:

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:07 pm
by ivorthediver
Right .....any bright ideas then well you better enlarge the picture , after an agonising walk and yet another admission ticket I finally get to check the time and get my bearings

For those not in the know this is the observatory and after a long hard slog and a steep climb we made it .

At the time [ forgive pun] half of China was in attendance and elbowing past with their Nikons so gave up after and hour and headed back .

On the good side the return views were magnificent

The red sphere drops down the shaft on top of the tower on the hour , and was used to set the ships chronometers and as a bearing for departing vessels long before GPS :D

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:42 pm
by ivorthediver
must be the highest point for miles

The four brick towers, in the second from bottom picture , were at one time the towers from the power house of the centre many years ago and now defunct I'm told

I took hundreds of photo's whilst there over the four day trip and enjoyed our trip immensely , and might go again next year we were so taken with the area so much ............just as Tim suggested ......

One final point I would make is that we were hoping to take a boat trip on the Thames , but we had other fish to fry so didn't get around to it

However - :idea: we found out that although the charter boats dont advertise the fact we were informed that the area had some unique ideas about transport .

The Buses only use Oyster cards which is a credit card you swipe on the terminal to pay your fare .

On the Charter boats .....if you take your bus pass [ yes I know some of you are to young] :roll: if you present it at the departure gate and booking office you are entitled to 50% discount :D off the charge and an unlimited hop on / hop off ticket up and down the thames is ££19.50 less 50% = £ dont be conned whilst there .

Would we go again ....yes
Was it worth the expense ...certainly
Did Karen really beat me ....ask Lewisham A+ E :lol:

I hope you enjoy these pictures I have posted ...which is only a few of the many and hope you decide to go there as its worthy of your support and other than conducted tours was free entry :o Ivor and Karen 4/09/2018

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:36 pm
by jbryce1437
Some lovely views of the skyline, looks very modern in parts, blended with the old buildings it makes you pleased they just didn't pull all the old buildings down, like the Council have done in Sunderland over the years :cry:


Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:06 pm
by timlewin
the naval sword in the photo of the cabinet of swords is almost certainly TTLs sword as admiral of the fleet, when you get to this level you get a swisher scabbard. I gave the sword and new AoF scabbard to the museum but they didn't want the old scabbard so I gave this to the loch ewe museum.

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 7:59 pm
by ivorthediver
timlewin wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:06 pm the naval sword in the photo of the cabinet of swords is almost certainly TTLs sword as admiral of the fleet, when you get to this level you get a swisher scabbard. I gave the sword and new AoF scabbard to the museum but they didn't want the old scabbard so I gave this to the loch ewe museum.

Wish I had known that at the time Tim, I would have taken more time and trouble to illustrate that better, as it deserved to be , and to give it the attention worthy of its status on here sorry

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:06 pm
by timlewin
thanks Ivor, lovely memories; your pictures of the chapel remind me of when we did the US Volunteers memorial almost 17 years ago, it was just after 9/11, we arranged for the US Embassy to send us an honour guard with the Stars & Stripes to honour the volunteers. What no one realised was that of course they would turn up with rifles as well as their flag. There was great hoohah about what to do with these weapons at the chapel entrance as they could not go into the chapel itself and the honour guard could not leave them. I cant now remember how we resolved this but clearly we did!

PS so gratifying that some of the guides knew about dad and remembered him. If you come in through the gates from the ferry landing you will actually enter via the Lewin Gate. These are rather Grand following their complete reconstruction not long ago. I remember when they were initially dedicated by HRH Prince Philip. He arrived by helicopter in Greenwich park where I met him and walked him over, on seeing the original gates he remarked in a booming voice, "Bit small arnt they"! these were the original gates from way back but the new ones are superb. I will try to find pictures and post them.

I didn't know about the staircase, delighted to hear, I must reconnect with the Foundation. Greenwich is easy to get to from central London but awkward to get away from unless you go by docklands railway, very few taxis and the bus takes longer than walking.

Re: Royal Naval College Greenwich and Museum

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:12 pm
by ivorthediver
Ah you mean these gates Tim ............

We spent every lunch time of our holiday just a few steps from them in the" RAM " hostelry in which judging by the rate at which some of them fed their faces was quite an appropriate name ...but excellent food served their at a reasonable rate of charge we thought . and better value than the" Crown Restaurant " in the Greenwich village noted for its beef dinner :x .....huh the beef slices were thinner than the paper in my printer and about as tasteless to ......can't miss it as its painted green outside and you would only go there once .......but this was the only place in Greenwich that we felt short changed in.

As for getting to or from ...the river cruises prices are half price for those with a bus pass .....although they dont offer the information to passengers but if you look in the brochure it states it at the bottom of page so plan ahead and you should be able to go up and return to one of the bridges in the centre and then on home via normal transport ...or TAXI which is £35.00 each way from Greenwich to Victoria :o

As for knowing TTL they certainly did and were very aware of his fame it seemed...... and rightly so .