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Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:50 pm
by ivorthediver
No problem mate , I should have made an earlier reference to it but didn't think of it ;)

Heres one I took especially for YOU at the Show .....F235 :D

Sorry its not so sharp but it was a busy day with a lot of people barging around and jostling about so hope its ok

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:03 pm
by designeraccd
I'm a bit confused by the one labeled MUSHASHI, sitting between the 2 other "hulls" of the class.? She appears to have the same #-24 of 5"40s as the modified YAMATO. However, a shortage of 5" 40s kept that from happening and she was loaded with even more triple 25s!! However, I believe the "gun pits" were built for the 5", but turreted triple 25s were actually installed.

I took the easy way out on my tiny MUSHASHI: built her with the original 12-6.1s :lol: After to many rounds of storage, her aircraft crane was broken off... :(

Sure looks like modeling is taken seriously in the UK! Only model/contest show I ever attended was decades ago out in L.A. area. I brought my then newly built (1:1536) SOUTH DAKOTA and entered her. Won second place in ships; which po'd a fella with a big Tamiya(?) IJN kit. It was beautifully detailed and painted, but judges felt my lil scratch built SOUTH DAKOTA deserved second instead of a kit!! If they (and I) had been more familiar with the 4 units of the class my model would have been dinged, but a lot of pics n drawings were not available back then over here... :( telling what the error is!!

In this view of all 5 of my third gen USN BBs the mistake-now-is quite evident ;) DFO

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:27 pm
by ivorthediver
I for one couldn't correct any items there as my expertise is confined to a few types which I have worked on and learnt most of the detail from the old hands on the other Forum and books I have collected , having none of the multiplicity of talents shared with me from other 's who new better than me and were generous enough to advise me when ever I asked the question causing me concern at the time ;)

I wandered into modelling via the need to find a hobby that necessitated using my hands, once work was finished ,and I was mentally spent ,and I found I could unwind completely doing it and in doing so ended up with a half decent representation of the project I was building .....

Others who know me well already know this , and I only repeat it lest others think I am some kind of example to follow

Having now been doing it for more years than I care to admit to , I am able to admire others work and appreciate just how much research is needed to scratch build anything ! and the difficulty of making small things in big hands like mine so scale , hence the books , videos , Forum chat , and membership of local clubs .

My mentor, if there ever was one, was Sandy [ our dear friend who crossed the bar] , as he not only encouraged me but taught me to never throw anything away which could prove useful on a model with a little work ......Detail will help you convert a mediocre model into a great model by taking time and that little extra effort and the addition of little items on a model ......all of which made it stand out and the viewer more lenient over items which were not "Right on the money "

So in short ...I don't judge , but I always ask questions on a topic of interest to me..... :oops:

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:07 pm
by designeraccd
As we said in the MARINE CORPS: "the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!" Always fine to LEARN ;)

I have rebuilt quite a few of my old models as better info, pics became available. Probably the best example would be the SOVIETSKI SOYUZ battleship. I built her from speculative info in Breyer's Battleship book @ 1970. Some years back good drawings and photos of the builder's model "surfaced" Upon seeing the new info, I tore my model down to her hull, saving the 3 main triple 16" turrets. Everything else, including hull mods, was built new! Now she is a accurate model, given her 1:1536 (1"=128') scale. :D DFO

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:16 pm
by ivorthediver
Well done Dennis , take my hat off to you mate, and as you say "You never finish a model" due to changes of information etc etc....

Refits can range from 20% upwards , but at least your never get bored

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:33 pm
by designeraccd
Oh yes, SOV. SOYUZ was @ 80%!! Here is German H-39 design... :o Another "minor" REbuild! DFO

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:58 pm
by ivorthediver
Well I can see that like me Dennis you must have a submersed masochistic streak in you .......I mean fair who in their right mind would put themselves through all this grief ........and claim it is a form of enjoyment :o

Been Admiring your dividers , don't leave them laying around mate :mrgreen:

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:13 pm
by ivorthediver
Well about time for a few more Photographs in no particular order more as I came alongside them .

The previous exhibitions I have been to seemed to have a theme , but this year it was not obvious ......well certainly not me anyway , having said that this year they added a creditable display of R/C trucks and Diggers , which are all kit form [ mainly Tamiya ] and were all kits and no obvious displays of Bits to build them .

Still here are what was observed and there are more of this Carrier later on which I know your enjoy :D

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:19 pm
by ivorthediver
Heres a few more which I hope you will enjoy , I'll try to avoid tugs , but there were an awful lot there ;)

Nice model of HMS Hood in this batch :)

Re: Model Making: General

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 7:35 pm
by ivorthediver
Lets see what else we have , huh I know how the guy working on Ramilles feels :oops: